Nils Andersson Wimby: Better Brand Health – reading candy for those already brand-savage

“People don't care about brands or advertising. That insight is proven in research. What I really like about this book is that it takes its starting point in that insight, and then applies it to the measurement of marketing," writes Nils Andersson Wimby.

In recent years, trends around how to measure the effect of marketing have been characterized by digital metrics and real-time data. But "what gets measured gets done", and the focus on tactical, digital and rapid optimization has led to a short-term focus and poorer effectiveness of marketing, as shown in studies by e.g. Binet & Field.

Because while the dashboard-driven, detailed and mobile measurement of tactical/digital communication has developed strongly, little focus has been placed on developing the long-term measurement methodology. Brand Tracking has continued to do well with measurements of awareness, consideration and a couple of casually selected brand attributes. Sluggish, expensive and boring and unfashionable, the uninitiated thought. But nothing could be further from the truth, this is the measurement that is clearly linked to long-term value creation, which looks beyond clicks and conversions and aims at market shares and reduced price elasticity .

When Jenni Romaniuk from the Ehrenberg Bass Institute now releases a book about how to fine-tune your measurement to match the research from "How Brands Grow", then brand geeks breathe a sigh of relief. Build Better Brands promises just this: A handbook on how to translate the knowledge of Mental and Physical Avaliability into measurement methodology.

Read the full article on Resume.

Posted on March 31, 2023 .